
January 13, 2017

Modern business system

Together with the impact of phenomena such as the economic environment of entrepreneurs, its horizontal and vertical infrastructure, political, legal Yen non-economic environment entrepreneurial, modern entrepreneurs in all countries with a market-oriented economy are constantly feeling the effect of a more objective phenomenon – the modern Business system.

It is the systemic nature of the business relations modern entrepreneurial business to make a stable, constantly reproducible phenomenon, a sign of integrity. Inadequate consideration of this circumstance and has led in the past to the emergence and spread of critical business concept, in which the market forms of enterprise business were treated as a temporary, historically temporary phenomenon, condemned with the development of human society to disappear. Positive business concept also pays off by paying attention to the systemic nature of the business – so modern entrepreneurship as essentially non-systemic conglomerate strengths and positive qualities seen by entrepreneurs and companies all over the world.


In this integrated and internally stable system of the modern business world, daily business activities of entrepreneurs, educated and the basic elements of the business environment, develops its horizontal and vertical infrastructure. In this section, we take a closer look at features of the system characteristics of the system of modern business world, and try to find out how the integrity of the modern business system to ensure and how to balance the internal contradictions of the system, a continuous competition between business units Respectively.

In contrast to the positive business concept, we start from the controversial nature of the interaction between business units. When faced with in daily life, companies are looking for not only the best way to realize their business interests, but also, if possible – to force them entities to other companies. As in this case, refer to the integrity of business systems, the development of business as a whole, on the one hand, and the contradictions between the business issues – from the other side?

Conflicts between business units are characterized by a disagreement of their business interests. Two types of conflict of interests. Firstly, there is a discrepancy between the interests of each of the companies and the public interest. Second, do not agree with the interests of different business units, including those who come together in direct contact and direct business relationships.

The discrepancy between interests manifests itself in the fact that business units whenever it is necessary to formulate a hierarchy of interests, i.e., prefer some other business interests, are forced to go into the process of realizing interests. Companies are forced to restrict their actions to achieve the primary objectives, even if these objectives imposed on them by other business units. In the course of business, discrepancy business interests lead to a confrontation between them, and then – to the contradictory actions of companies and in the interaction between them.

The realization of their egoistic aspirations, people act as individual’s private interests, and the business – as the privacy of the people. On the contrary, to realize social aspirations, act people as social actors to pursue and defend the public interest, and the business – as socially useful or socially necessary work.

With the development of the division of labor in human society, the specialization of human activity was such discrepancy, with the exception of the subsistence economy, typical incentive entrepreneurial activity. “… Man is constantly helping in need of their neighbors – Adam Smith wrote. – It is likely to achieve their goal when we relate to their self-love, and able to show them that in their own interest to do for him what he wants from them … Give me what I need and you get what you need – that is the meaning of every such offer. This is the way we get the most services from each other, the brewer or the baker we expect our supper, but from their reference to their own interests. ”

Therefore, entrepreneurial enterprises on the production and distribution of material goods related to the provision of services, the execution of the work, proved and continues today to prove the needs of different members of the human society. Therefore, entrepreneurial business at first sight, directed only to the self-interest of entrepreneurs, always has a value of socially useful activity.

Engaging motivation in business as a socially useful work is no less important for active, energetic, enthusiastic and initiative people than their motivation due to the presence of selfish business interests. In the most general form it is because the subjects of the modern business world seeking such products to make such work or services that would be in demand from other companies. In fact, working with the broad division of modern business units everywhere for each other.


No contractor cannot regularly, on a large scale, ignore the legitimate interests of the contractors, who provide it raw materials, spare parts or providing storage, transportation and other related manufacturing services, as well as employees, although occasionally, not systematically; To manipulate and even deceive him. Constant neglect the interests of suppliers, partners, employees of a particular entrepreneur is at least conducive to the termination of the business relationship with him, and as a maximum – except for his system of continuous cooperation of companies is essentially his expulsion from the economic environment.

Freedom in enterprise business is a high degree of independence from entrepreneurs, their independence from the interests, decisions and actions of their environment. Unrestricted freedom of enterprise cannot be equated with entrepreneurial sovereignty. It can be observed in the past during the so-called widespread competition. However, today the idea of freedom of entrepreneurship is nothing but a relic of past days, a living reminder of the historical period of the development of market economy, in which all companies were free and little consideration for the interests of each other. Today, however, all have been considered together. Free choice in a modern market economy Therefore, a reflection is not only internal, but also external business impulses.

Entrepreneurs restrict the freedom of others within an acceptable, independence corridor in which each of the entrepreneurs think that it is free. In fact, he is free only in their own business for the sovereignty and sovereignty of all representatives of the business environment of the company. A smart entrepreneur never self-interest make freedom. Do not do it alone, and the growth of economic income. On the contrary, it is first try to appeal to their environment, gain their confidence, and prove their desire useful.

For example, no entrepreneur secretly dreaming of a “sales market” will never match the emergence of such a market of reality. The main goal of every entrepreneur, for example, is a recognized authority in the field of commercial entrepreneurship Frank Bettdzher – the customer’s willingness to cooperate with him. “Deserved trust – this is the main principle of good or very good relations with others – emphasizes F. Bettdzher. Follow the proven principle -: First, believe them in what your client must believe.” The business purpose of any entrepreneur – “spin” in the Hall of Independence and their customers to be around the clock helpful, try to find a combination of external and internal impulses of his activity. He is forced to do this on a regular basis, review and re-examine at the end of each orderly tactical cycle of their business mission.

Each of the subjects of entrepreneurial companies has an impact on their business environment, but they also experience the impact of the counter. Each of them is extremely important to know who and what affects the activities of his company might have, and to whom he can influence the striving success.

It is possible that its inner attitude in general is not acceptable to the external environment. In this case, one can argue that its business purpose is not properly defined. However, if both internal and external business impulses are combined with each other, the assertion that the entrepreneurial task is identified with a high degree of accuracy.

Can a modern businesswoman be considered free, while in the hall of independence? In fact, a modern business system pushed business entrepreneurs as an alternative to the sovereignty of their freedom in the past.

Themes of corporate companies take care of the preservation and not abstract freedom to play, namely company sovereignty. They must ensure that sovereignty without ignoring the interests of other business units, but based on these interests. This encourages them to seek the approval of the permanent interests, whose reaching threats would be filmed for their secure function. Therefore, entrepreneurial sovereignty characterizes the highest degree of permissible entrepreneurial freedom in modern society.

First self-run business, every entrepreneur is always close to the typical issues that already reflect in response to the expectations of the outside environment associated with his business. These are questions about the “why?”, “For whom?”, “What”, “how?”, “With whom?” And “against whom?”.

Answering the question “why?” gives the entrepreneur the internal impulses of the economy. Answering the question “for whom?” he tries to find out who needs the results of his activity, and himself as the creator of these results. Combining the positive responses to these questions, every entrepreneur tries to recognize their business purpose and put them into their business strategies. If at least one of these questions is not a positive answer, the business is not worthwhile, because instead of a meaningful and successful business aspiring entrepreneur is required to receive a “monkey” (“monkey work”) – a pointless and aimless imitation of business.

Later, to answer questions of “what” and “how,” the topics of entrepreneurial business explain the content and technology business activities to which they want to start by ensuring that their entrepreneurial mission is properly recognized. The answer to the questions “Who?” and “against whom”, entrepreneurs outline the range of representatives of the external environment with which they plan to start partnership or relationship or a relationship in competition.

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