
March 31, 2017

Fear of failure when starting a new business

Many office workers and not only they do not like what they do, and then of course most of them want to open a new business, but always something stops. If you are expecting some kind of a point or a sign to start your own business, now it was he. In my opinion, today, a modern businessman using the Internet has full access to the various sources of knowledge, business books, which may motivate him to tell in detail how to start a business from scratch.

Below I will point out the most common fears faced by young entrepreneurs who want to start their own business. Perhaps, after reading them, you change, your eyes and be even bolder in the opening of its first business.



Your barriers at the start of the opening of business

First – No Money: A survey of many well-known entrepreneurs, who had enough money to start their business, showed that it certainly helped them to cope with the many doubts at the start. Even thought, with an impressive amount possible to achieve the best results and get around a lot of financial difficulties. Of course, a lot of money is a definite plus, but I personally think that this is not the most important, according to statistics more than 50% of successful entrepreneurs opened their first business, having the purse less $ 1,000.

Second – There is no time: Full-time, family, rest on the weekend, I think, so is life for many of us and did not have enough free time. But do not forget that time is a resource that we can control. If you want to become a successful small business owner, its development is a key factor. Yes, startup requires sacrifice. Opening a new business, you have to be willing to give up vacation, weekends and build momentum in their field.

Third – do not have the advantages: Let’s face it, coming from the corporate world without any benefits, privileges, there is a feeling of insecurity, as if you went out from under the hood. With this need to be reconciled, but understand it’s only temporary, when you officially register his business and he will begin to bring you at least a minimum income, all the facilities, privileges, you’ll establish yourself for your business, without having to depend on no one.

Fourth – No Family Support: I already wrote that without the support of family, relatives, many do it is difficult to decide on the opening of a new business. The main thing to enlist the support of their relatives, and for this it is necessary to explain all the pros and cons of your case, his perspective, even be together to discuss the business plan to reduce all risks to a minimum, as well as to see your desire, perhaps you will have the potential employees and companions.

Fifth – Do not have the guts: Often, digging deeper into your business, people are finding more and more reasons not to open it. It turns out that the main obstacle is yourself. Believe me, the fear is present even in all successful entrepreneurs, but what matters is how you did you use them. For many, the fear of a strong motivator that makes every day to achieve positive business results. So it’s only up to you, and my advice to businessmen, just take your own as a silent companion to you nutria, which sooner or later will help you to choose how to act in any given situation, do not underestimate yourself.

Opening a new business, you must have the dedication, courage and a bit of arrogance, then you all will succeed.

After considering several obstacles faced by young entrepreneurs with the opening of its first business, and in general fear of failure, I would like to somehow help you overcome it. Of course, starting a business is not easy. It is necessary to constantly explore a niche, try before you take the plunge. But when there is fear of failure, it is very difficult to move your business forward, it paralyzes all your business.

But as we discussed above, you can use fear as a motivation. When you know your fears that are holding you back and what you want to achieve, you can take some of the impact of methods for uncertainty and anxiety to promote yourself and your business far ahead.

If you have just opened a new business, or are on the line, in front of another business decision in your life, you can use these tips to overcome the fear of failure and pave the way for his success formula.

Problem solving

Often, the fear can be enhanced when you are dealing with new things, the nuances of conducting its business, which are not known. I think it is clear that without the whole idea of this or that situation, it is difficult to take a more informed decision. It is important to be aware and have a complete understanding of all cases it is primarily the expansion of rights and opportunities, as well as a reduction of fear and uncertainty in the current situation.

Just be careful and cautious when you are totally immersed in the nuances of the business. It can be so passionate about the stage of development and solve the problems that over time it becomes a stationary passive mode, which you just knock out the right track and plunges into an endless maze of challenges.

Step by step to achieve the objectives

It is clear that a business plan is not just their own, but effective plan can help you develop the idea at an early stage and to create a thriving business. It can continuously serve for you as a road map, directing the launch of the business and to the growth process.

Just defining and setting goals can be an effective way to stick to the plan, thus it will help eliminate some of the doubts and fears. Think creatively, share your big goals into small steps, working with smart techniques, you will manage to reduce the fear of failure.

Create a «Plan B»

Some may say that the creation of a contingency plan is already setting up for failure, but in fact, having a backup plan, you are not afraid to try to take the risk. When you start a business, you will realize that most of the steps in one way or another will be in the “zone of risk” and having “escape routes” for example, or “backup solution”, there will be more security and confidence for their own intentions.

It is also important to note that your “Plan B” should not focus exclusively on alternative business course, which you can use in the event of failure of the first. It can be a way to consider additional options and plan ways to the ultimate goal.

Price action

Committed to their goals, dreams and start your own business can be a powerful motivator, and raise morale. Thoughts about what emotions you can experience now or in the future, knowing that was a dream and the ability to open a new business, it’s may be enough, which would push you into action without thinking about any difficulties and problems.

Getting support

I already wrote about this above, when you have a good idea, it will easily and happily gets stuck in your head. But some uncertainty, emerging issues and the fear of failure can be overwhelming in the development of thought, if there is no support system. Support may be composed of business partners, spouse, mentor, coach and friend. Again, many, such a system actually increase the confidence and help to think objectively and often reduce the fear of failure, because you know they are not alone.

You see, fear is not bad, on the contrary it can make you work harder and enjoy the success in fully, most importantly do not be afraid to open a new business, to take risks, but if this is really justified.

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